Paradigm Shift Revisited Again
omg, Blog before you Think! turned 15 today:
Hmm, a few days ago I got invited for a Gmail account. A few days later I finally gave a try. Both technologies changed the way I do certain things almost instantly and probably for good. Both give up with hierarchical structures of organizing data (folders within folders within folders within folders…) and use a flat model applying labels (label combined with label combined wiith label…). More on that is coming up soon here, but if you are not aware of those services, do yourself a favour and check them out.
Anyway, starting a blog was left on my todo list for 2004, so here it is. Staying consistent with the subtitle of this blog – be prepared to encounter various ramblings and thoughts in progress here. Topics might include OS X (highly likely), GTD (my current affection), enjoying the web, music, system theory, programming, mind- and lifehacks, television,… nothing special.