Digg's Friends and Relations
(digg it, tape it, clic it, fuzz it, wobble it, kick it, tagg it, star it, wank it, spy it, rate it, shout it, rigg it, goosa it, bumb it, list it, love it, gabb it, bump it or dork it, …)
All Things Dork [dorked out news]
APBNews [misc news]
BiBiLog [videos, jokes, pictures]
Blog Reporter [focus on blogs]
BrainDigg [focus on the brain]
Bumped News [focus on games]
daily911 [politics]
Daily RSS [mixed, grabs the stories from feeds]
Diggnews [mixed news]
dotnetkicks [focus on .NET]
FeedButler [mixed, grabs the stories from feeds]
fuddle-duddle [focus on canadian political news]
gabbr [mixed news]
GoogleKicks [focus on google]
HITsmit [focus on health]
Hobbit Links [focus on fanstasy]
IndianPad [mixed news]
iTunesLove [focus on songs]
javakicks [focus on java]
kaboodle [mixed news]
kick.ie [irish news]
leve1 [mixed news]
LinuxFilter [linux news]
listible [mixed lists]
mackicks [focus on mac]
meme-stream [mixed links, infotainment]
mozillakicks [focus on mozilla]
n.ewradio [focus on alternative music]
NewsBump [mixed news]
newsgarbage [mixed news, compostable]
nfiltrate [mixed news, bands]
Pligg [mixed news]
Political Stuff [political news]
Qoosa [mixed news]
Riffs [mixed recommendations]
Shoutwire [mixed news]
ShutterSeek [focus on photography]
SkimCSS [focus on css]
SpinSpy [mixed news]
SpyMe [mixed news, focus on south east asia]
socialporn [focus on adult content]
staralicious [focus on celebrity gossip]
StockDigg [focus on finances]
Suckingfish [mixed news]
Video Bomb [focus on videos]
Wobble [focus on blogs]
XboxKicks [focus on xbox]
Fuzz [mixed news]
Scoopeo [mixed news]
Tape Moi [mixed news]
digg.de [mixed news]
shaveh [mixed news]
17dig [mixed news]
diglog [mixed news]
dingr [mixed news]
livedigg [mixed news]
tagriver [mixed news]
@ NEWZ [mixed news]
Wykop [mixed news]
DoMelhor [mixed news]
eu curti [mixed news]
news2.ru [mixed news]
BlogMemes [mixed news]
ihardware [technology]
meneame [mixed news]
mumor [entertainment]
populicias [mixed news]
r00lz [mixed news, mostly tech]
rockeame [mixed news]