Autopoetic Tags
Heh. user SpikeH1464 tagged the URL for the tag blogs with these tags:
actionResearch aggregation apprenticeship artefacts backchannelling ? blog blog101 blogBusiness blogComments blogCommunities blogConversations blogEcosystem blogEffects blogLearning blogNetworking blogOrganiser blogReading blogResearch blogTools blogWriting communities conceptMapping conferences creativity email emergence ethnography folksonomy groundedTheory groupthink hypertext innovation inspiration instructionalDesign internetResearch journal knowledgeMapping knowledgeSharing knowledgeWork KWmodel learning learningInformal mathodology media Selection meta-learning metadata metaphors methodology nature networking ontologies people personal personality perspectives PhD PIM pKM productivity Radio reflection research researcherBlog researchTools RSS RU search security socialSoftware storytelling technology Adoption Technorati theory thinking timeManagement tipping Point tools
(he didn’t autoreferentially tag it with blogs)
Instant analysis: if the zero value of tagging is tagging a tag or an entity with itself (e.g.: 189 people (!) are tagging ‘’ with the tags or delicious – see) and the informative value of tagging is – well – tagging entities with one’s associations (which implicitly creates a broader and richer tagspace via aggregating the tags of all other users), then tagging tags can be seen as an autopoetic turn in this scenario, with tags no longer pointing to anything outside but themselves.